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Hey There, Awesome Coaches and Consultants! 😊

I know the drill—you’re passionate about what you do and bursting with ideas, but managing every nook and cranny of your business? It can be a bit much! That’s why I’ve created this friendly, easy-breezy guide to help you bring an Online Business Manager (OBM) on board. With an OBM by your side, you can focus on what you love, while they handle the nitty-gritty of running the show! 🧡

So in this handy guide, I’ll walk you through five simple, clear steps to find the perfect OBM who gets your vibe and shares your vision. I’ve ditched the complicated terms and kept everything light and straightforward.

Also in this ultimate guide, I’ve whipped up five checklists for you – to make sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row before making any decisions. It’s all about keeping things smooth and making sure you’re ready to pick the OBM that’s just right for you and your goals. They’re there crafted to bring clarity and confidence to your hiring process.

So, why wait? Let’s jump in together and explore how you can boost your business and enjoy the journey with the right OBM cheering you on and keeping things on track! See you inside!

Table of Contents

👉 Step One: Before you team up with an Online Business Manager (OBM), take a good look at what your business truly needs.

Make a list of essential tasks, identify areas that need help, and see where your team may be lacking. It’s about finding where an OBM can make the biggest impact while considering your budget and long-term goals.

👉 Step Two: Now, it’s time to find the perfect OBM partner.

Reach out to your network for recommendations, or look online on platforms like LinkedIn. Chat with potential OBMs to see if they understand your business and if it feels like the right fit. It’s all about finding the one who gets your vision.

👉 Step Three: Once you’ve found your OBM, get them up to speed.

Give them the grand tour of your business, share access to tools and systems, and set clear expectations. Train them where needed, and keep the feedback flowing. Make sure they feel like part of your business family.

👉 Step Four: With your OBM on board, it’s time to work together smoothly.

Regular check-ins, task management tools, and open communication are key. Document processes, share goals, and make sure everyone knows their role. It’s all about teamwork.

👉 Step Five: It’s essential to regularly check how your partnership with your OBM is going.

Keep an eye on your progress, and have ongoing discussions about what’s going well, and what might need adjustments. Flexibility is key—be ready to make changes as your business evolves. If your partnership is a hit and your business is growing, think about adding more OBMs or specialists to keep up the momentum.

STEP ONE: Evaluate Your Business Needs

Understanding the Essentials

Before jumping into working with an Online Business Manager (OBM), it’s important to take a good look at your business to figure out what it needs.

✨ Start by listing all the things your business does every day, so you can see what’s essential.

✨ Next, look at where things might be going a bit haywire or where you’re feeling super swamped. Also, think about what skills are missing in your team, like techie stuff or project management. This will help you sort out what tasks an OBM can help with.

✨ Then, consider your budget and make sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew.

✨ Lastly, make sure whatever you decide lines up with where you want your business to go in the long run. By following this checklist you’re setting the stage for your partnership with an OBM, making sure they can tackle the things that matter for your business’s success.


✅ Tasks and Responsibilities

✅ Areas of Overwhelm or Inefficiency

✅ Skills and Expertise Gap

✅ Prioritize Needs

✅ Potential for Delegation

✅ Budget Consideration

✅ Long-Term Goals Alignment

✅ Scalability Assessment

✅ Legal and Compliance Needs

✅ Client and Customer Experience

✅ Technology and Tools

✅ Time Allocation

STEP TWO: Find the Right OBM

Choosing Your Business Partner

Okay, so you’ve figured out what your business needs. Now, let’s talk about finding the perfect Online Business Manager (OBM) to make it all happen. It’s kind of like finding a great teammate.

✨ First things first, reach out to your pals in the professional world and ask if they know someone awesome. Personal recommendations are like gold, right?

✨ If that doesn’t do the trick, hop online and check out platforms like LinkedIn or special job boards that are all about OBMs.

✨ Look for professionals who match what you need. Then, chat with them and ask questions about how they’d work with you. You’ll want someone who gets you and your biz. And remember, go with your gut – if it feels right, they’re probably the one.


✅ Define Your Ideal OBM

✅ Network and Seek Referrals

✅ Review Profiles (LinkedIn)

✅ Check References

✅ Discovery Call With Candidates

✅ Evaluate Communication Skills

✅ Assess Problem-Solving Abilities

✅ Cultural Fit

✅ Evaluate Technical Proficiency

✅ Review Portfolio or Case Studies

✅ Discuss Availability and Workload

✅ Clarify Compensation and Terms

✅ Assess Flexibility and Adaptability

✅ Background Check

✅ Trust Your Instincts

✅ Compare and Contrast Candidates

✅ Seek Legal Advice

STEP THREE: Onboard Your OBM

Welcoming Your OBM to the Team

Now that you’ve got your Online Business Manager (OBM) sidekick, it’s time to get them all set up and ready to roll. Think of it like welcoming a new friend to your squad.

✨ First off, have a sit-down (you know what I mean, right?) to say “hello” and give them a grand tour of your business world. Let them in on your business’s vibe, who your clients are, and where you’re headed.

✨ Make sure they have all the keys they need, like access to your tools and systems. Oh, and don’t forget to lay out the ground rules – who does what and how you’ll keep in touch.

✨ Show them the ropes with any training they might need, especially on any fancy tech stuff.

✨ Keep the feedback door wide open, so you can chat about how things are going and keep things running smoothly.

✨ And hey, make sure they feel like part of the gang by immersing them in your business’s culture. This way, your OBM can hit the ground running and be the hero your business needs.


✅ Welcome Orientation

✅ Provide Business Overview

✅ Client Profiles and Expectations

✅ Access to Systems and Tools

✅ Security Protocols

✅ Roles and Responsibilities

✅ Communication Protocols

✅ Existing Processes and Workflows

✅ Training Sessions

✅ Access to Documentation

✅ Key Contacts and Team Members

✅ Expectations and Goals

✅ Feedback and Evaluation Process

✅ Confidentiality Agreement

✅ Cultural Immersion

✅ Feedback from OBM

✅ Welcome Package

✅ Initial Goals and Projects

STEP FOUR: Collaborate Effectively

Working in Harmony

Alright, so now that you’ve teamed up with your Online Business Manager (OBM), it’s time to make sure you’re both on the same page and working together like a well-oiled machine.

✨ Start by setting up regular catch-up sessions with your OBM. These meetings are your chance to chat about how things are going, tackle any issues head-on, and keep each other updated. To keep all your tasks organized, use a handy project management tool. It’s like your digital to-do list where you can assign tasks, set deadlines, and see what’s done and what’s still cooking.

✨ But the real magic happens with clear communication. Make sure your OBM knows what’s happening and what’s expected. And if there are certain ways things should be done, put together simple guides or instructions. Oh, and don’t forget to share the big picture – where your business is heading.

✨ It’s all about working together smoothly, so everyone knows their role and can pitch in when needed. And remember, keep the feedback flowing. Regularly check how things are going and give a thumbs-up when things are on track.


✅ Regular Check-Ins

✅ Task Management

✅ Clear Communication

✅ Documented Processes

✅ Shared Goals and Objectives

✅ Responsibility Clarity

✅ Feedback Loops

✅ Problem-Solving Approach

✅ Adaptability

✅ Scalability Consideration

✅ Client and Customer Experience

✅ Data Security and Confidentiality

✅ Feedback and Appreciation

✅ Task Prioritization

✅ Technology Integration

✅ Performance Metrics

✅ Celebrating Milestones

✅ Ongoing Training

STEP FIVE: Evaluate and Adjust

Fine-Tuning for Ongoing Success

It’s important to take a closer look at how things are going. Think of it as a regular check-up for your business.

✨ Start by keeping track of how well you’re doing with some clear measurements. Chat often with your OBM to figure out what’s working smoothly and where things might need a little improvement.

✨ Stay flexible. As your business grows and changes, be ready to make any necessary changes to keep up.

✨ If your OBM’s role needs to shift a bit, go ahead and make those changes. And if things are going great and your business is on the upswing, think about bringing in more OBMs or experts to keep the momentum going.

✨ The goal here is to keep your business running smoothly and heading towards success.


✅ Performance Metrics

✅ Regular Communication

✅ Feedback and Improvement

✅ Flexibility

✅ Task and Responsibility Adjustments

✅ Long-Term Goals

✅ Expansion Opportunities

✅ Performance Reviews

✅ Resource Allocation

✅ Feedback Loop

✅ Alignment with Business Changes:

✅ Adaptability and Agility

Ready to Level Up?

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Yay! You finished the roadmap.

Ready for the next step in scaling your business with an Online Business Manager (OBM)? If you’re interested in partnering with me and want to learn more about how an OBM can benefit your business, I encourage you to schedule a call with me.

During our conversation, we can discuss your unique needs, answer your questions, and figure out the best way forward for your business growth.

To set up a call, just click the button below at your convenience. I’m looking forward to talking with you!